© 2025 Pablo Arboleda — Interdisciplinary researcher


Conference presentations


  • Negotiating counterpreservation: Ethnography of a lively urban ruin, at ‘CHAT:method’, Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory, and Museum of London Archaeology; London-UK, 1-3 November.
  • Berlin, a repurposed ruin, and constant change as the fixed condition: A photo-comic, at ‘Cultural commons and urban dynamics: A new economic paradigm for a complex social map’, Innovate Heritage, and Magna Graecia University, Catanzaro Lido-Italy, 11-12 October.



  • What to do with incompletion? Learning from Incompiuto Siciliano, at ‘Annual International Conference’, Royal Geographical Society; Cardiff-UK, 28-31 August.


  • GRAND TOUR: the Great Beauty of Incompiuto Siciliano, at ‘The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy and the Post-crisis City’, Trinity College Dublin; Dublin-Ireland, 1-3 March.


  • The paradox of Incompiuto Siciliano Archaeological Park or how to mock heritage to make heritage, at ‘On the trace: passing, presence and the persistence of the past’, University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen-Denmark, 22-23 September.
  • Beyond the aestheticization of modern ruins: The case of Incompiuto Siciliano, at ‘Annual International Conference’, Royal Geographical Society; London-UK, 1 September.


  • Sub-heritage: The heritage of subcultures. The case of urban exploration in Berlin, at ‘Innovate Heritage: conversations between Arts and Heritage’, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg; Berlin-Germany, 6-8 June.


  • Incompiuto Siciliano/Sicilian Incompletion: Transforming the negative perception of the unfinished public works, at ‘International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC): the theoretical understanding of sustainability in Heritage Studies and its corresponding disciplines’, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg; Cottbus-Germany, 8-20 July.


  • (VI)VIENDO: La deriva situacionista como herramienta de investigación para el diseño arquitectónico [(VI)VIENDO: Situationist ‘Dérive’ as a Research Tool for Architectonic Design] at ‘Encuentro entre Escuelas 2010: jornadas de debate proyectual y seminario sobre pedagogía del proyecto arquitectónico’ [2010 Meeting of Spanish Schools of Architecture: Project Discussion and Seminar about Architectural Project Teaching] School of Architecture of Madrid; Madrid-Spain, 10-11 September.
  • (VI)VIENDO: La deriva situacionista como herramienta de investigación para el diseño arquitectónico [(VI)VIENDO: Situationist ‘Dérive’ as a Research Tool for Architectonic Design] at ‘¿Quién está detrás de la cultura? Jornadas en Granada de REU08. Prácticas artísticas-políticas-poéticas, hacia la experiencia de lo común’ [REU08 Granada: Who’s behind culture? Artistic, politic and poetic practices towards a public experience] International University of Andalusia; Granada-Spain, 7-8 June.
  • (VI)VIENDO: La deriva situacionista como herramienta de investigación para el diseño arquitectónico [(VI)VIENDO: Situationist ‘Dérive’ as a Research Tool for Architectonic Design] at ‘Ambientalia 2010: I Congreso Estatal de Sostenibilidad’ [Ambientalia 2010: I National Congress on Sustainability] Coordinadora Estatal de Ciencias Ambientales; Madrid-Spain, 11-13 March.

Invited talks


  • Reapropiando ruinas rurales: Prácticas patrimoniales creativas como resistencia a la despoblación en España [Reappropriating rural ruins: Creative heritage practices as a form of resistance to depopulation in Spain] invited by the Institute of Heritage Sciences-Spanish National Research Council (Incipit-CSIC); Santiago de Compostela-Spain, 11 March.


  • Tips for securing PDRA Fellowships, at ‘PDRA Fellowship Peer Mentoring Programme’, invited by the College of Science & Engineering, University of Glasgow. Glasgow-UK, 13 February.


  • Reimagining unfinished architectures: Ruin perspectives between art and heritage, invited by the Complutense University of Madrid; Madrid-Spain, 13 July.
  • GRAND TOUR: The Great Beauty of Incompiuto Siciliano, at ‘The Uncommon Beauty of Common Things – Architecture Fringe 2018’, invited by Hoskins Architects; Glasgow-UK, 24 June.
  • Unfinished ruins in Italy: From waste to cultural resources, at ‘BRUT Europe – Glasgow International 2018’, invited by The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow-UK, 7 May.
  • Trabajar en una institución académica [Working for a higher-education institution] at ‘Arquitectos en ejercicio. I Jornadas de orientación profesional y empleabilidad de los estudiantes de arquitectura’ [Architects in practice. Seminar on career guidance and employability for architecture students] invited by the School of Architecture of Granada; Granada-Spain, 25 April.


  • ‘Amigos del Toldo Verde’ o el fin del postureo en el patrimonio [‘Friends of Green Awnings’ or the end of posers within heritage] invited by PechaKucha Night; Malaga-Spain, 9 June.


  • Incompiuto Siciliano: las obras públicas sin terminar como ruinas modernas [Incompiuto Siciliano: unfinished public works as modern ruins] invited by the Institute of Heritage Sciences-Spanish National Research Council (Incipit-CSIC); Santiago de Compostela-Spain, 15 November.


  • Incompiuto Siciliano: The critical power of a new kind of ruins, at ‘Groß Bauen. Großbaustellen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart’ [Large buildings. Large-scale sites from ancient times to the present] invited by the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg; Cottbus-Germany, 28-30 October.
  • De Berlín a Sicilia: el abandono como condición cultural [From Berlin to Sicily: Abandonment as a cultural value] invited by the School of Architecture of Granada; Granada-Spain, 8 October.


  • Students’ expectations from Graduate Studies in Heritage (Tourism) Management, at ‘International Conference: Tourism Management and Sustainability of Heritage Sites: the Role of Education and Training’, invited by the Her.cul.es Programme; Assisi-Italy, 22 November.